Tuesday, June 12, 2012




Thursday, June 7, 2012



Strongly influenced from my AI:Architecture and Ideas journal, I have explored the texture of concrete and lighting through photography and played with filters and offset in order to eliminate the harsh boarder lines around the edges. 
Original                                     Filtered-overlay                                   Offset

The filtered-overlay image above is used as floor texture for third floor. The decaying mood is imparted through colour and visual texture which does not affect the overall elegant atmosphere 

Repeating the offset image, I have constructed a heavy and rough material texture which naturally fuses the lighted edges as a wooden linear pattern. 
Furthermore, different colour palette and light direction is experimented through layer filters and render lighting effect. 

With the resulting offset image, I have attempted in creating different textures - smooth and rough.
The first trial I have done over uses irregularity and roughness. Which has lead into a chaotic and messy imagery. Therefore, I have dragged out square patterns I found in my New Zealand Home and Entertaining journal and blended the rigid squares into each other by creating a watercolour effect over.


The snapshot below shows the first floor's material texture. 
The level of transparency and its balance with the opaque squares reduces heaviness and block-like impact. 

The organic theme evident in AI:Architecture and Ideas is adopted and transformed into a metal material texture. The original photograph on the left is hued and filtered which gradually and softly fuses the two cool colours with the warm-grey on the top. The resulting colour palette on the right imparts a silent and still character which allows the overall build in creating an elegant and intriguing atmosphere. 

The following texture is planted onto the triangular elements which function as the library entrance.

AI:Architecture and Ideas page 76
Wooden material texture created with images on my journal.

Offset-ed and filtered, creating a wooden-pealing-paint texture.

I have used the texture I have experimented when learning second life and inserted it in the leave-like waterfall bouncer. By doing so, the opaqueness and the heaviness is rapidly reduced which allows the elegant character to be emphasised.

Using our blogs as a media texture.
Keun Hee (Heather) and my blog is planted onto a wall surface naturally creating a wall texture which has the ability to function as the actual website rather than a fixed image.


First trial
Became too boxy and blocky. No sense of elegance at all.

Second trial
Adopted from a photograph in New Zelaand Home and Entertaining, We drifted away from the block and boxy design completely and developed into a circular design.


Third trial
Deleted everything and started from scratch. Still kept the floor structure yet in different shapes, forms and sizes. The overall shape and volume structure is completely changed and I believe, improved

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Second Life Script making programme - SCRATCH4SL

Examples of used scripts in our building:

Triangular elements elegantly moving up and down, slowly, emphasising its floating motion.
Triangular elements moving script when typing 'open'.

Other scripts are involved as well which are as simple as moving up and down.

from ground level to first floor

//_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ The script begins _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
vector destination = <22.860,156.773,48.387(co-ordinates to the first floor)>; // the destination coordinate
string text = "Touch To Teleport to first floor"; // optional floating text on the teleporter, input a space if not used
vector text_color = <1.0,1.0,1.0>; // the floating text's color
integer touch2sit = TRUE; // TRUE - left click to sit; FALSE - left click to touch
integer access_mode = 1; // 1 - public; 2 - owner; 3 - group;

posJump( vector target_position )
{// Trickery discovered by Uchi Desmoulins and Gonta Maltz. More exact value provided by Fake Fitzgerald.
    llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, target_position ]);
warpPos( vector destpos )
{   //R&D by Keknehv Psaltery, 05/25/2006; unlimited modified by Klug Kuhn 10/01/2008

    // Change this safety range depends on your script memory
    // The larger the range, the quicker (and less "flashes") to get to the destination, however, the more to eat up script memory.
    float safety_range = 1000.0;

    integer arrived = FALSE;
    integer within_range = FALSE;
    vector inter_pos = ZERO_VECTOR;
    vector current_pos = llGetPos();
    vector checking_pos = destpos;
    integer jumps = 0;
    list rules = [];
    integer count = 0;

    if (llVecDist(destpos, current_pos) <= safety_range)
        jumps = (integer)(llVecDist(destpos, current_pos) / 10.0) + 1;
        rules = [ PRIM_POSITION, destpos ];  //The start for the rules list
        count = 1;
        while ( ( count = count << 1 ) < jumps)
            rules = (rules=[]) + rules + rules;   //should tighten memory use.
        llSetPrimitiveParams( rules + llList2List( rules, (count - jumps) << 1, count) );          
        while (!arrived)
            current_pos = llGetPos();
            checking_pos = destpos;
            within_range = FALSE;            
            while (!within_range)
                if (llVecDist(checking_pos,current_pos) > safety_range)
                    checking_pos = <(current_pos.x + checking_pos.x) / 2.0,(current_pos.y + checking_pos.y) / 2.0,(current_pos.z + checking_pos.z) / 2.0>;
                    within_range = TRUE;
                    if (llVecDist(destpos, current_pos) <= safety_range)
                        jumps = (integer)(llVecDist(destpos, current_pos) / 10.0) + 1;
                        rules = [ PRIM_POSITION, destpos ];  //The start for the rules list
                        count = 1;
                        while ( ( count = count << 1 ) < jumps)
                            rules = (rules=[]) + rules + rules;   //should tighten memory use.
                        llSetPrimitiveParams( rules + llList2List( rules, (count - jumps) << 1, count) );          
                        arrived = TRUE;
            if (!arrived)
                jumps = (integer)(llVecDist(checking_pos, current_pos) / 10.0) + 1;
                rules = [ PRIM_POSITION, checking_pos ];  //The start for the rules list
                count = 1;
                while ( ( count = count << 1 ) < jumps)
                    rules = (rules=[]) + rules + rules;   //should tighten memory use.
                llSetPrimitiveParams( rules + llList2List( rules, (count - jumps) << 1, count) );
        llSitTarget(<0.0, 0.0, 0.01>, ZERO_ROTATION);                      
        if (touch2sit)
    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
            key user = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
            if (llGetAgentSize(user) != ZERO_VECTOR)
                integer access_granted = FALSE;
                if (access_mode == 1)
                    access_granted = TRUE;
                else if (access_mode == 2)
                    if (user == llGetOwner())
                        access_granted = TRUE;
                        llSay(0,"  sorry, owner access only.");
                else if (access_mode == 3)
                    if (llSameGroup(user))
                        access_granted = TRUE;
                        llSay(0,"  sorry, group memeber access only.");
                if (access_granted)
                    vector init_pos = llGetPos();              
//                  warpPos(destination); // use warPos() function
                    posJump(destination); // use posJump() function
//                  warpPos(init_pos); // use warPos() function
                    posJump(init_pos); // use posJump() function              
//_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ The script ends _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

script: 'open'
script: 'up'/'down' and 'touch to teleport to first floor'
script: touch blog to scroll up and down, 'stairs up'/'stairs down', 'level 4'/'level 4 close' and sit on the moon chair
(my file was too big so I am using Daeun's avatar's version)

script: 'door', 'journals' and 'back'