Thursday, May 31, 2012


How many pieces of technology do you use?

What are the different types of computer packages an Architect might use?
Adobe, Autodesk, ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Rhino and more.

How many places are portrayed in Cisco's RPS? 
17 places

What does Rosedale think he can solve with more technology?
He believes people have no direct access to our physical world other than through our senses. With more modern technology, he believes the alienation between people can be improved. 

When was the IBM Complex designed?
Founded in NY, U.S. June 16th 1911 by Thomas J. Watson.

What is raydiosity?
An application of the finite element method to solving the rendering equation for scnes with purely diffuse surfaces

What is a graphic interface?
A type of 'user interface' which allows users to interact with electronic devices using images rather than text commands. 

What is additive colour?
Where colour is created by mixing the visible light emitted from differently coloured light sources. This is evident in computer screens, televisions and therefore Second Life. 

What is subtractive colour?
Colours where light is removed from various part of the visible spectrum to create colours - CMYK

Links feature=endscreen&v=ZxSCNOg8TXA &NR=1

Reference - Wikipedia

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